Breakfast Nutrition

Eating a healthy breakfast menu in the morning will produce many good effects for health.  Besides energising the body, consuming a healthy breakfast menu can provide other positive effects for health, such as maintaining body weight, increase concentration and performance, and keep cholesterol levels in tact.

Some people think that a good intake of food for breakfast is carbohydrate foods such as low-fiber cereals or white bread, and other filling foods. The truth is, both types of food are processed carbohydrates that are not good for our health. Eating refined carbohydrates can trigger insulin levels or rapid increase of blood sugar.

Healthy carbohydrates to consume at breakfast are found in foods made from whole grains such as brown rice and whole wheat bread, fruits, and vegetables.

In addition, good breakfast should contain protein, such as egg white. This consumption could maintain stamina throughout the morning and prevent hunger until lunch time arrives. Even better, try adding fiber in your healthy breakfast menu every day.

Aside from giving us an energy boost for day-to-day activities, breakfast is also a good food source for fertilizing a number of important nutrients, such as calcium, iron, and vitamin B, as well as protein and fiber. The body needs these nutrients to begin the metabolic process, and research shows that if the nutrition is missed by the body at breakfast, it leaves a smaller chance for the body to pay this loss in the future.

The complete and balanced composition nutrition of breakfast will be very fruitful for the body. The body will feel full longer, and the body’s metabolism is more awake, making us able to perform with stamina in all activities. Therefore, make sure you have enough nutrients in your breakfast menu.
