The Kapal Api Global held a campus seminar at Atma Jaya Catholic University on April 18, 2017. The seminar was held at Y14.06 Seminar Room 1, Atma Jaya Yustinus Building. The seminar began with a speech from Dr. Tommy T. Tanumihardaja, Vice Chancellor III of the Atma Jaya University. Then continued with the Kapal Api Global video company profile and a brief description of Kapal Api Global by Sisca from Kapal Api Global. After that, the seminar with the theme “Going Global with the Kapal Api Global” began.
The first speaker was Denis Hartanto, HR Kapal Api Global then continued by Meyryen Recruitment Manager of Kapal Api Global.This seminar aimed to provide a complete illustration for job seekers about economic conditions that might affect the company’s business conditions which then implies the emergence of challenges that can be found by job seekers. The seminar furthermore explained the challenges of the working world in 2020 and what skills required to face these challenges.